A program designed for beginners, returning players, and those new to Coquitlam FC. The latest sports science to provide age-appropriate training for skill levels. are coordinated with other clubs, and leagues are tiered ensure balanced competition. Players also have opportunities for additional practices and games through our Skills Center

8v8: U11, U12 ; 9v9: U13


Teamplay with focus on player development.

Dates: April 3, 2025 – July 2025


2 practices in a week, 1 game each week 

Game Format
U11–U12 (8v8) – 30 minute halves / U13 (9v9) – 35 minute halves


Game Day


U11-U13 – Division A and B

Our technical staff will decide whether teams join Division A or B, based on player development needs.
Dates: April – July Program with Coquitlam FC Professional Coaches.


Two training sessions (1 hours), 1 game each week

Game Format
U11–U12 (8v8) – 30 minute halves / U13 (9v9) – 35 minute halves


home & away jersey, shorts, training socks, game sleeves & socks, training shirts, GK home and away jerseys, shorts & socks

Game Day